Prior some of the keenest pleasure of his career. The bill was so innocently worded as to disarm the most vigilant and radical trust-buster it appeared as though its purpose was exactly the reverse of that for which it had been subtly designed in fact, in an excessive effort to avert suspicion a couple of clauses had found their way into this document which gave Mr. 'Taking on the Trust: The Epic Battle of Ida Tarbell and John D. President Theodore Roosevelt, portraying himself as a trust-buster, participated in criticism of Rockefeller and Standard Oil, but Tarbell felt the president's sting too.

McCain is at heart a Teddy Roosevelt-style trust-buster and regulator.Įconomic panic and the polling booth 2008 McCain Ad Promises "New Rules" For Wall Street - Even Though He Long Advocated Deregulation 2009 McCain's National Co-Chair: Media Coverage Of Palin Is "Completely Fair," Not Sexist 2009īigO could paint himself as reaching across the aisle to the greatest trust-buster of all time, Republican Teddy Roosevelt. They did not act but Roosevelt did, issuing 44 lawsuits against major corporations he was called the " trust-buster". The Most Important Speech the President Has Ever Given 2010 Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Most Important Speech the President Has Ever Given 2010

Teddy was not the runaway trust-buster of historical memory, but he didn't hesitate to go after the big combines when it was needed to protect the country.

Marc Epstein: What Is the Meaning of LIFO: You're Fired Mr. Roosevelt who would go on to earn the title of the great " trust-buster," wasn't considered enough of a buster for Godkin because he had refused to break with the Republican party over the nomination of James Blaine, a supporter of the old political patronage mill.